Newmark Group
Helping you get everything
you want in life

for you, your family, even your business.

Our Approach to Investing

At Newmark Group, we give our clients personalized investment strategies and straightforward guidance.

Step One
Where am I today?
Your advisor will work with you to prioritize your needs, assess your risk tolerance, and understand your current financial situation.
Step Two
Where do you want to be?
Your advisor uses this information to translate your vision into measurable goals.
Step Three
Can I Get There?
Together, we’ll assess what you are doing now and figure out what needs to change to move you towards your goals.
Step Four
How Do I Get There?
We establish clear principles that will guide our investment decisions, and provide objectivity when needed to remind us why you are invested and what you hope to achieve.
Step Five
How Do I Stay on Track?
we work together to keep you on track. As you go through the inevitable changes in life, whether planned or unexpected, we’ll be there to stand with you and make adjustments as needed.
Step One
Where am I today?
Your advisor will work with you to prioritize your needs, assess your risk tolerance, and understand your current financial situation.
Step Two
Where do you want to be?
Your advisor uses this information to translate your vision into measurable goals.
Step Three
Can I Get There?
Together, we’ll assess what you are doing now and figure out what needs to change to move you towards your goals.
Step Four
How Do I Get There?
We establish clear principles that will guide our investment decisions, and provide objectivity when needed to remind us why you are invested and what you hope to achieve.
Step Five
How Do I Stay on Track?
we work together to keep you on track. As you go through the inevitable changes in life, whether planned or unexpected, we’ll be there to stand with you and make adjustments as needed.

Our Investment Philosophy

Successful investors grow wealth over time. They don’t chase the market. We’ve helped generations of investors achieve financial security by sticking to our core principles: invest for the long term, seek quality, maximize growth and minimize risk through diversification. We maintain this philosophy through all market cycles.

“In the short run the market is a voting machine but in the long run it is a weighing machine.”

Benjamin Franklin



At Newmark Group, we work closely with clients, developing plans so you can enjoy retirement on your own terms. Even if retirement is a long way off, by planning ahead, you can ensure that you’ll live comfortably when you stop working.

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Estate Planning

Estate planning means stating in written form how you want your estate handled after you die or should you become incapacitated. It need not be complicated. Proper estate planning protects you and your family, minimizes taxes and fees, and ensures accurate asset distribution.

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The foundation of our investment philosophy is buying quality, taking a long-term view and establishing appropriate diversification. Every client is unique, as will be their investment portfolio. The goal of investment management is finding the ideal balance between growth and risk management.

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Business Owners & Entrepreneurs

Owning your own business can be both challenging and rewarding. At Newmark Group, we understand business owners. Many of our clients are entrepreneurs and business owners, and we know how vital it is to make informed decisions. We also understand that you are busy running your business, and we are here to help you.

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Saving For

Many investors, in hindsight, wish they started saving earlier to give their children or grandchildren a head start in life. For some, this means saving for university. For others, it may be to help buy a home or provide overall financial security.

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Unexpected Events

Unexpected events can set you back or set you up. It’s all a matter of perspective. The one thing that is certain in life is that everything is subject to change. Unexpected events and expenses are inevitable, both good and bad. With professional investment planning, we can prepare you for whatever comes your way.

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Competence. Competition. Cooperation.

Do these values resonate with you? They form the basis of a successful team, one that challenges each other to optimize performance. These core principles drive us to do our best for every client, every day. If you share these values, there’s no limit to what you can achieve with a career at Newmark Group.